Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Easy - How To Snatch

Here's a video from a youtuber I follow, he is friends with Olympic athlete Sonny Webster who teaches you how to Snatch, it's super simple and truly all you need to start out.


Sunday, 3 September 2017

Rich Froning Saves 100's of Kids with Mustard

Well thats a catchy title isn't it, but it's true. Through a great organization called the Mustard Seed Ranch Rich Froning gives back to help hundreds of children in need. We see a lot of stories about the 4 time fittest man on earth, most has him with his shirt off working out, here's one about him giving back and saving children with his name, oh and still working out.

The Box After Dark New Intro

As I'm slowing building my Youtube Channel I felt I needed a nice intro, used a Site called Fiver, this cost me $5, worth looking into...